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Deserta Drop Second Single, “Save Me,” From Black Aura My Sun

The shoegaze outfit readies their first full-length for January 17.

Earlier this month we featured “Hide,” the first offering from Matthew Doty’s new shoegaze project, Deserta. A long, sweeping epic that drips with reverbed guitars and hushed vocals, the nearly seven-minute track caught the ear of taste-making blogs like Post-Punk.com and The Owl Mag.

Now he’s back with a second tune, “Save Me,” which will tide over fans until the proper full length, Black Aura My Sun, drops on January 17. Says Doty about the track, “It’s a sentimental song about romanticizing a desire to maintain the newness of things. I wanted it to build and be powerful in a way that required more than the tried and true standard of adding on some drum fills and switching on the overdrive pedals. To accomplish that I allowed the song to take a few breathers throughout so the vocal melody, guitars and drums could have their moment. The timing and simplicity (and reverb) I think allow it to achieve what I was going for.”

You can listen to “Save Me” here, and check out Doty’s first single, “Hide,” on the Deserta Spotify.

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